Global Healing Events
Helping People around the World Feel Good.
Anxiety and Immune Support Therapy Online.
Be Calm.
Deeply Relax and Release Stress, Fear and Anxiety.
Be Happy.
Relieve Depression and discover inner Joy.
Be Strong.
Fortify and Support your Immune System with pure bioenergy.
Experience LIVE Immune Support Therapy Online.
Join this LIVE online event and help regenerate your immune system with PureBioenergy® a trusted bioenergy therapy that can eliminate fear, depression, anxiety, and the other negative emotions of continued stress that cause physical illness.
In this multi-benefit event, we will address stress and anxiety relief with additional support for the lungs, blood and energetically optimize the overall strength of your immune system.
All our events include a specific immune support protocol. Something much needed these days.
This PureBioenergy immune support therapy activates your body’s own innate “preventative” mechanisms.
What is a PureBioenergy Healing Event?
Combining the powerful effects of long distance PureBioenergy therapy and a virtual healing event provides an unique dimension in the remote healing process by magnifying it through group amplification dynamics.
The group develops its own unique force and the healing effects become stronger.
Anyone of any age in your household can also experience the therapy with you.
"Our whole family is really enjoying the sessions. It has been truly wonderful."
Stay Tuned for our next Event
Receive a complete PureBioenergy therapy to Optimize your Immune System, Relieve Stress and Anxiety while Building Resilience.
Each event consists of four 20 minute PureBioenergy LIVE online sessions - One each day at the same time over 4 consecutive days delivered via Zoom. Participants will not be on video.
To experience the maximum benefits from the therapy please attend all 4 days (a complete PureBioenergy is comprised of 4 sessions in a row).
This is not a lecture, training or meditation but a highly effective bioenergy treatment for you and your household.
As you connect to the group your healing process begins.
Find when the Event begins near You.
Join with a $50 Contribution for the complete 4 session LIVE event.
• Paris - 8:00 pm
• London - 7:00 pm
• New York - 2:00 pm
• Chicago - 1:00 pm
• Denver - 12:00 noon
• LA - 11:00 am
• Hawaii - 8:00 am
• Auckland, NZ - 6:00 am (plus one day)
Want to help someone you care about...
unwind stress, calm anxiety, experience deep relaxation, build resilience and discover more happiness?
Send them a GIFT to join the event.
GIVE a GIFT of Healing HEREJoin the Event and download your own copy of
Every Healing has a Story.
“Just reading these stories makes you feel good…This book is healing in itself!”
Enjoy our 148 page collection of true stories from people of all ages and walks of life who experienced incredible healing results using PureBioenergy.
Interspersed throughout the book, you’ll also find insights on healing by Zoran along with artful imagery related to healing and teaching.
From helping autism and stroke to chronic pain or MS – these are stories that will inspire, motivate and uplift every reader.
Zoran Hochstatter has been leading and documenting Live Pop - up Healing events internationally since 2009.
Seeing the need to offer Stress and Anxiety therapy to many people online around the world at once PureBioenergy Global Healing Events build a virtual space for being engaged with a common healing intent.
During the event a group consciousness develops which affects and magnifies the PureBioenergy therapy process in an unprecedented way delivering a powerful Resilience Building, Stress and Anxiety Relief Therapy directly to you.
What people are saying...
The entire world needs this!
“Thank you so much for the PureBioenergy online group healing. I felt great after each session and by the end of day 4 I felt a huge shift in my stress level and anxiety. I wish I could bring all my friends that are going through such a hardship with the current situation, the entire world needs this!”
Just plain bliss.
“Every session has saturated my being with either peace, relief from a particular discord, or just plain bliss”
Soothed, calm, relaxed and completely at peace.
“In the midst of this pandemic, I’ve been feeling a little bit guilty because thanks to you, I’ve really not been at all stressed and actually have been feeling very calm, relaxed, even playful at times. Just like in your sessions when I feel very soothed, calm, relaxed and completely at peace.”
Want to know more how participants experience better overall health, energy, release pain and how it helps their families too?
Read More Results HEREJoin an Event to...
Optimize your Immune System
Relax your Body
Calm your Mind
Boost your natural Resistance to illness
Support for Lungs and Blood
Release built up Stress and Depression
Sleep Better
Increase Blood Circulation to support Cell Function
What is PureBioenergy?
Noted for its simplicity, documented and transformational results, Purebioenergy is a non-medical straightforward skill that empowers the innate ability (found in everyone) to successfully resolve illness, boost peak performance and instill wellness using pure bioenergy (life itself).
PureBioenergy helps reverse health conditions from simple to deemed " incurable" ( PTSD, MS, Arthritis, Autism etc). This Global Healing Event will be for Relieving Stress and Anxiety while building Resilience and Immune support
More About PureBioenergy®
More about the Global Healing Event.
What to do during the Event.
The Power of a Group.
Healing at a Distance...Does it work? YES
Called "The Powerhouse of Energy Healing" by health professionals and families alike PureBioenergy helps any health condition.
By restoring and balancing energetic information, the use of Purebioenergy addresses the optimization of HEALTH.
The Healing process does not focus on illness but awakens the energetic potential of well-being within everyone.
For help with a specific health issue please contact a trained PureBioenergy Therapist.
Traditional PureBioenergy is practiced in person, long distance and in a group.
For online healing events all contributions are non refundable. Thanks for you understanding.
Want to Discover more about PureBioenergy?
Visit PureBioenergyNeed Therapy but can't join us Now?
Stayed tuned for our upcoming events.